To make up this life
I made up this lie
But underneath it all
lies a broken mirror
that reflects so shamelessly
my every failure
From the heights of fears
I dive into
the deepest of regrets
slightly hidden
in a few lonely tears
I gasp out for air
that's never there
the carcasses of my dreams
buried in the graves of my eyes
Push me tonight
from the edge of the cliff
to die into success
a reality of my thoughts
Slice me in this night
to burn into the sunlight
Deny me from this world
to make it a little bit more my own...

I made up this lie
But underneath it all
lies a broken mirror
that reflects so shamelessly
my every failure
From the heights of fears
I dive into
the deepest of regrets
slightly hidden
in a few lonely tears
I gasp out for air
that's never there
the carcasses of my dreams
buried in the graves of my eyes
Push me tonight
from the edge of the cliff
to die into success
a reality of my thoughts
Slice me in this night
to burn into the sunlight
Deny me from this world
to make it a little bit more my own...