Monday, June 1, 2009

You are still with me

I close my eyes
it takes me back
Takes me back to the season of sunshine
when you were here with me
It was so perfect
sunrising at the back
orange skies
sunflower field
Birds and butterflies

I can almost smell the fragrance
it lingers on me
the touch of your skin
The sparkle in your eyes
the silk of your hair
your words like a sweet red wine for my ears

Now that you are gone
you are only gone for them
for me,I still have held you tight in me
in the curls of my bed
in the light of the candle
in the sound of my music
in the tears of my eyes
They tell me to move on
Move on from whom?
you still are here
lying so near
I have locked you in my arms
I still remeber how it feels
I still know the taste of your lips
see even time couldnot rob me of this
And they tell me to move on
Move on from whom?
'cuz whenever I close my eyes
It takes me back to that season of sunshine...

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